Monday, April 23, 2018

白花蛇舌草~(水线草)功效与作用.Hedyotis Carimbosa medicinal uses. Manfaat Rumput Mutiara .

白花蛇舌草,别名:水线草,蛇利草,龙利草,珠仔草、龍吐珠、伞房花耳草,定經草、水線草(台灣)、繖房花耳草(廣州植物誌)英文名稱:Hedyotis corymbosa (Linn.) La
【化学成分】含三萜成分(熊果酸、齐墩果酸)、甾醇(β-谷甾醇、Y-谷甾醇、豆甾醇)、内酯、酚性成分、黄酮类,脂肪酸(硬脂酸、棕榈酸、油酸、亚麻酸) 全草含齐墩果叶酸、熊果酸、β-谷甾醇及豆甾醇,并含伞房花耳草素(corymbosin)



flowered Oldenlandia  • 水线草 
Chemical compound  • Caffeine 

    • Medicinal uses  • Leaves◦ In Malaysia, a poultice of the leaves is used to treat sores, sore eyes and wounds
    • Leaves, or sometimes the roots, are used by the Chinese in the poultices to treat inflammation or to improve blood circulation  • Plant  ◦ In Philippines, the plant is also used as a mouth wash to relieve from toothache
    • In Taiwan, Philippines and Indochina, it is used to control fever
Plant is believed to be able to cure cancer
The content of ulenolate, ursolic acid, flavonoid and iridoid acid have benefits for health which is a compound that can prevent the development of cancerous cell division, anti-cancer, anti-microbes and regeneration of new liver cells.
USE of the medical plant could be remedies disease:

- Tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, mumps (mumps).
- Inflammation of the appendix (acute appendicitis).
- Hepatitis, cholecystitis.
- Pelvic inflammatory disease (pelvic inflammatory disease), infection
urinary tract.
- Ulcer (Carbuncle), ulcers,
- Cancer: Lymphosarcoma, Ca stomach, Ca cervix, breast cancer,
rectum, fibrosarcoma, and Ca nasopharynx.
15-60 grams, boiled. Already made tablet, granule, and injecting drugs.

EXTERNAL USE of this medical plant:
- Bruising, pyodermi, snake bites, scalded, broken bones, sprains:
Mash the fresh herbs, to be affixed in place of the sick.

- Scalded: fresh herbs to taste boiled, for washing.

the practical TO USE of the medical plant as sample:
1. Appendicitis (acute simple appendicitis) and local peritonitis
60 g boiled herbs, divided to 2-3 X drink, as long as 6-8 days.
In severe cases, should be with the other mixture.

2. Obstruction of the vas deferens (Epididymic stasis):
30 grams of this herb is boiled, drinking for 3-4 weeks, on a case-
cases of scrotal pain due to clumps of sperm after
channel binding of the epididymis.

3. cancer:
30-60 grams of boiled, drinking. Added on treatment
conventional / anti-neoplastic drugs, either jointly or
given alternate.
Medical plant rumput mutiara also have EFFECTS distorted:
Some patients experience dry mouth after use for 10 days. Injections of high doses cause a decrease in white blood cells are mild, and returned to normal after 3-5 days the drug is stopped. Some cases of chronic asthmatic bronchitis causes nervousnes

Using Information:
The plant is febrifuge, stomachic and anthelmintic; given in jaundice, and liver complaints. Decoction of the plant is given in remittent fever, and as a cure for heat eruptions. The plant is also used in gastric irritation and nervous depression. Leaf extract is used by the Chakma in Chittagong Hill Tracts to alleviate abdominal pain (Yusuf et al. 2009).
Ethanolic extract of the whole plant possesses antibacterial activity and poor antifungal activity (Anwar et al., 2007 & Begum et al., 2007).
Chemical Constituents:
The plant contains the alkaloids, biflorine and biflorone, which are interconvertible. Concentration of biflorone increases at the cost of biflorine in stored plants. Both the alkaloids gradually disappear. Those stored for 3-4 years contain no alkaloid. It also contains β-sitosterol, oleanolic acid and ursolic acid and chloride salts of sodium, potassium and calcium (Ghani, 2003).
Rumput Mutiara  Tanaman liar  dengan nama latin Hedyotis Carimbosa L merupakan tumbuhan dari suku Rubiaceae . Tanaman yanng biasanya tumbuh di tempat yang lembab,di kebun,halaman rumah pinggir jalan dan di tepi selokan.  Tanaman yang memiliki 2 Tumbuhan ini juga dalam dunia kedokteran dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan obat suntik dan tablet granule. 
Kandungan asam ulenolat, asam ursolat, flavonoid dan iridoid memiliki manfaat bagi kesehatan yang merupakan senyawa yang dapat mencegah perkembangan pembelahan sel kanker, anti kanker, anti mikroba dan meregenerasi sel hati baru. 

Beberapa manfaat rumput mutiara untuk kesehatan mengatasi berbagai penyakit antara lain : K tanaman obat keluarga sebagai koleksi tanaman obat, karena akan mungkin saja sewaktu-waktu akan dibutuhkan. Salah satu kegunaannya dengan memanfaatkan bagian daun dan batang sebanyak 50 gram direbus dengan 10 gelas air hingga mendidih dan menyisakan kira-kira 2 gelas saja. Minum dalam satu hari 2 kali diwaktu pagi dan sore masing-masing 1 gelas, ramuan ini mengatasi beberapa masalah kanker seperti yang terlulis di atas. Efek samping setelah pemakaian selama 10 hari, beberapa penderita akan merasakan mulut terasa kering. Suntikan dosis tinggi juga menyebabkan penurunan ringan julmalh sel darah putih yang kembali normal 

小红葱~(獨腳絲茅) [穷人的田七].Dayak Onion (Eleutherine palmifolia).Manfaat Bawang Dayak (Bawang Berlian).

Dayak Onion (Eleutherine palmifolia (L.) Merr)


學名: 小紅蒜,仙茅,獨腳絲茅,紅蔥頭,百步還陽.怕波亮

[性味] 甘;辛;微温


(生姜)神奇秘方,治水咳,脾胃不好.一步一步做给你看。DIY. Treat flu ,Cold cough. The Making of Ginger Juice.

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Dayak Onion (Eleutherine palmifolia (L.) Merr) is a special crop Central Kalimantan. This plant has for generations used the Dayak community as a medicinal plant. This plant has rooted red color with ribbon-shaped green leaves and white flowers. Dayak onions originated in the United Tropik but in Indonesia have long cultivated. Re kept as ornamental plants, then transformed into wild plants. Abound in the mountains between 600 up to 1500 m above sea level, for example on-farm plantations of tea, quinine and rubber, as well as on the streets. This plant prefers open places with humus-rich soil and moist enough. To plant commonly used source. Dayak onion in Java seldom bear fruit and kept as ornamental plants . This plant is easily cultivated, cultivation is not in season and within 2 to 3 months after planting already harvested.Chemical content
Dayak onion crops have phytochemicals among other alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, phenolics, steroids and tannins that are a source of nutrients biofarmaka potential to be developed as a modern medicinal plants for human life. Alkaloids are organic compounds that contain nitrogen as part of a heterocyclic. Even compounds alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides and saponins have hypoglycemic activity or lowering blood glucose levels are very beneficial for the treatment of diabetes mellitus, but no alkaloids can function as anti-microbial. While there is tannin content can be used as a stomach ache remedy.

Traditional use and effects of Pharmacology

Dayak are empirically onion local community as a drug used various kinds of diseases such as breast cancer, high blood pressure-lowering medication (hypertension), diabetes (diabetes mellitus), lowering cholesterol, medication ulcers, colon cancer and stroke prevention. Dayak can use onions used in fresh form, simplicia, confectionery and in powder form (powder). Dayak onion potential as a medicinal plant very large multi-function needs to be increased its use as an ingredient of modern medicine.
Broth or noticed its source is known to have all sorts of nutrients. Grass-roots below ground elongated oval-shaped and red is used as diureticum (laxative bladder), purgans (laxative) and missiles vomiting. Tubers roasted or boiled water that is used as remedy for jaundice and sexually transmitted diseases. Pounded the grass with fennel pulasari, used as a remedy for diarrhea blood, boiling water as a potion inside. The leaves are crushed with other ingredients spiked drunk to women childbirth. Grass (single) to cure dysentery. Soup made by boiling red grass with chicken can be used to increase red blood cells. Root boiled in water and used for bathing / immersion newborns with jaundice.

As a cancer drug by dry grass and chewing. While the resultant benefits Dayak onions and ginger, nutritious food to improve stamina / vitality, strengthen the resilience of sperm. Treat low back pain, urine and overcome launch bronchitis and cough. If mixed with sadaguri and kencur, this Dayak onion nutrition can treat intestinal inflammation, heartburn, constipation, hepatitis and liver. Dayak onion is even if mixed with an identity netherlands and nutritious sleigh to lose weight or losing weight (obesity) and lower in fat. For women, these onions can also be beneficial as a sari rapet if mixed with chili Java. Also beneficial to overcome interference childbirth, clean uterus, vagina tighten, tighten your stomach and reduce the fat and so on. Herbal onion outstanding Dayak especially in Samarinda has got permission in any form of POM station Jakarta.

Bawang Dayak adalah tanaman yang memiliki nama latin Eleutherine palmifolia. Bawang Dayak memiliki nama lokal yang beragam seperti Bawang Tiwai, bawang sabrang, bawang berlian, bawang lubak, teki sebrang atau bawang hantu. Bawang Tiwai merupakan tanaman khas Kalimantan Tengah tempat suku Dayak tinggal.
Manfaat Bawang Dayak (Bawang Berlian)

Ambeien, Prostat, Kanker Rahim, Bisul, Kolesterol, Amandel, Asma, Darah Rendah,  TBC, Pelupa / Menurunnya Fungsi Ingatan, Sakit Pinggang, Epilepsi, Gangguan Pencernaan Lambung, Radang Usus, Migrain, Bronkhitis, Ginjal, Gondok, Hepatitis, Hipertensi / Darah Tinggi, Diabetes Melitus, Insomnia, Jantung, Kanker Kelenjar Getah Bening, Kanker Paru – Paru, Rematik, Kanker Payudara, Sakit Kuning, Gangguan Seksual, Kanker Usus, Keputihan, Kista, Maag, Myom, Obat Muntah,  Peluruh Kemih,  Asam Urat, Pencahar, Stamina, Stroke, Vertigo, Vitalitas

白花蛇舌草~(水线草)功效与作用.Hedyotis Carimbosa medicinal uses. Manfaat Rumput Mutiara .

白花蛇舌草,别名:水线草,蛇利草,龙利草,珠仔草、龍吐珠、伞房花耳草,定經草、水線草 ( 台灣 ) 、繖房花耳草 ( 廣州植物誌 ) 英文名稱: Hedyotis corymbosa (Linn.) La 【药用部位】水线草的全草。 亚洲热带其他地区也有。生旷野、...